Upcoming LIFE Sessions We are excited to announce these upcoming LIFE Sessions 2023 December 11- 16 Denman Island 2024 March 25 – 30, July 15 – 20 2024 July 29 – August 3 Denman Island 2024 August 12 – 17 Salmon Arm area Email admin@whitecrowvillage.org for more information.
Whitecrow Village has cancelled all 2020 LIFE SESSIONS [Live In FASD Education] because of Coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns. Sessions beginning April 2020 through August 2020 are cancelled. Whitecrow Village says the decision was made in the interest of safety for all participants, staff and volunteers. Whitecrow Village encourages the public to check our website for further…
BY JACY LA MORISSETTE *simplicity* [noun] sim·plic·I·ty | \sim-ˈpli-sə-tē :the state of being [simple , uncomplicated, or uncompounded] :freedom from pretense or guile:[CANDOR] :directness of expression:[CLARITY) :restraint in ornamentation:[AUSTERITY] *Simplicity* is the word that I landed on to describe my first experience of the LIFE Session [Live in FASD Education] held on Vancouver Island this July. ...
Starting NOW The Bottle Depot will be accepting bottle donations for Whitecrow Village. How to donate When returning your empties advise the staff at the beginning of the transaction that you would like to donate your refund to Whitecrow Village FASD Society. Where can I donate? Donations will be accepted at all Victoria locations at 655...
In a perfect world, everyone would understand FASD and it would not result in secondary trauma. From correspondence with a caregiver of early adolescents living with FASD: Observe, observe, observe. Observe without judging or even trying to think of immediate solutions. Observe throughout the day, when things are going well and when they are not….
The Whitecrow Village lending library is now catalogued and available to Whitecrow Village FASD Society members to borrow. Thank you, Annemarie Richmond! There are videos on DVD, journal and magazine articles (available by email) and other printed resources.
We will be in Juneau for a 4 Day FASD Intensive Workshop and a LIFE Session this summer. September will see us in Anchorage for a 4 Day FASD Intensive there. Our British Columbia July LIFE Session is filling fast. We still have a few spaces for professionals. We should have news soon on funding...
Whitecrow Village FASD Society Membership!!! Please join us. Joy, competency, and social success are among the descriptors of children and adolescents with FASD and their families who participate in Whitecrow Village programs. The Whitecrow model consistently yields experiences of belonging for children and their families who have often experienced marginalization or isolation in other settings....